Hola familia y amigos, I just want to let you all know that I have been accepted into the Latin American Study Abroad program for the spring 2007 semester. I am very excited to travel and experience a new culture.
I know this opportunity is a huge blessing from God and I would like to ask you all to start praying for this semester abroad. Please especially pray for the family that I will be living with while I am in Costa Rica. That God will prepare our hearts for this time. Pray for the people I will come in contact with that may not be Christians and that I can be an example of Christ to them. Pray for the professors and other students that are attending the program that we are safe and gain new perspectives about the Latin American culture. Lastly, that God would refresh my faith so that I can better minster to the Spanish speaking community in America and draw closer to God.
I will be leaving January 9 and returning April 29th. I will try to keep an email list and send out reports of how the semester is going. If you would like to be on the email list let me know. All of you who are getting this note have been instrumental in the study abroad process one way or another. I greatly appreciate your help and encouragement.
Thanks for your prayers and love! Have a great day!
Claire Scholl
EagleVision Co-Producer