Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Buenas tardes!

wednesday january 10 2007

¡Hola familia y amigos!

I am in Costa Rica now. The flights were very long but God provided some great people to talk with on the plane. We flew into Costa Rica at night se we saw all the beautiful city lights. San Jose is a very colorful city of 2 million people. The weather is everything a Santa Barbarian could ask for, lots of sun, mild temps and clouds that look like they are bursting with rain!

I have meet so many new people and it is safe to say that they are my freinds already. All the LASP students spent the night in a retreat center and had a one day orientation to the Costa Rican culture and how the program will work. We did an activity that asked us to make a collage about the North American culture. Everyone seemed to be cutting out negative and bad images of the USA. So I told my group that we should try to find some positive views of the North. Some students came up to me after and said they apprciated our groups positive outlook. I can see where the direction of this program is wanting to go. On the other hand LASP is wanting us to form our own opinions about issues and that is a valuable trait.

Today we recived our families via a raffle. My host mothers name is Guiselle Machado Tencio. She has a husband and two teen age daughters. I share a room with the oldest who is 16. I have just had a completed a tour of the house. I am writting this on their home computer. They have pretty fast internet! I think these ticos might be well off becasue they have a great phone and alarm system in the house. It has ben a very emotional day full of new information and thinking and speaking in Spanish.

The meals have been pretty large so far, but my host mom said they do not eat large dinners. So I think evreything is going to work great with this family. Tomorrow we have to meet at the Teatro Nacional to do a ¨scavenger hunt¨ type thing around the center of San Jose. The program directors have pretty much left it up to us to figure out the bus systems, banking and other culture elements. However I anticipate the Wards adevice and assistance in this city.

My house is 30 minutes away from the school, in a barrio called Del Pali de Calle Blancos, so I think every morning will be an early one. I apprciate all your prayers and thoughts as I fordge through this new culture.

That is all for now. I am not sure when I can get on her again but maybe every 2 weeks or something....
I really like it here and I have a lot of freinds that are going through the same thing here with me!

I love you all! Have a great weekend!!!

Claire Scholl
EagleVision News Team- Latin America Correspondant

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