Now it is April in Costa Rica and like clock work the season is changing. Since April first it had either sprinkled or rained. Today, actually right now, it is pouring rain with thunder and lightening. I love it!!
Since we got back from Panama we have started more language class and have been having charlas (seminars) over various topics within the subject of "Los Excluidos". We have had discussions with prostitutes who are living in a rehab type of house. we heard their stories and got to share a meal with them. Then we talked to a group in a really poor area of San Jose about their ministry. Then we visited another ministry that works with children in the street. They provide Bible studies and assistance to the families of these children. The this week we talked to a woman about "machismo" and women in Latin America. The last charla was about homosexuality and we talked with a guy who organized a group for gay Christians in San Jose. Many of these topics are hard to talk and see while others are topics that pose more questions then answers. Everyday we have 2 hour grammar class with a wonderful professor, Doña Elly. Today was our last day of class this week because of Semana Santa. Much of San Jose shuts down today and for the rest of the week. My Tico family normally goes to visit other family but they decided not to this year. So I think for Easter we will just be hanging around San Jose. Which is good because I have homework and a large project.
A story I would like to share is about a song I learned back in my sophomore year of high school on a mission trip to Tijuana, Mexico. It is called "Tenemos tanto" (we have a lot). It is a fun song with simple words all in Spanish and cool hand movements. I learned it from a wonderful lady named Anahi who was the music minister at the church we worked at during the trip. Many know her story but for those that do not I will give it to you in a nutshell. She was very sick in Mexico and one of the parents, Bob Samario, on the trip made a great connection with her, brought her across the boarder by the grace of God, had her live at his house and he helped her get better. Well she had a heart problem and after awhile got a new heart and live longer then expected. But she died back in 2006. Ok how she relates to me right now is amazing.
In every community we visit we are expected to teach songs and games to the kids of the churches. Since "Tenemos tanto" is such a cool and easy song I have been spreading this song throughout Latin America. I taught the song in Wapy, Nicaragua, in Kuna Yala, Panama, in Costa Rica with the kids in the street ministry and hopefully with the church I meet in Guatemala in one week. Thus, the Anahi is still living through this song I believe and I think of her smile every time I am teaching this song and then I see the smile on the kids faces and thank God for her being in my life. The most recent time we did this song was with the kids in the street and I shared this same story with my classmates and professors and I just burst into tears. I am just so happy to be using this song to remember Anahi and see other kids sing the song with smiles. In every country I shared the song, the music leader of the church has asked me to write down the words and hand motions. This has meant so much to me and I know Bob and those who knew Anahi will be blessed by reading this.
This week I went to a Saprissa soccer game with my sister and Tico dad. Saprissa is the San Jose team, unfortunately there were no goals but it was fun to see how much pride Ticos have for their futbol teams. Easter is my last Sunday in Costa Rica. Sunday April 15th we all leave for Guatemala for 2 weeks doing service projects. I hope everyone has a blessed Easter and a restful Easter break for those that get one! See you this month!!
Claire Scholl
EagleVision News Team-- Latin American Correspondent
Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. Philippians 4:13- The Message
And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity. 1 Timothy 4:12- The Message